Cosmetic dentistry enhances your appearance by improving the look of your teeth through services like replacing missing teeth, straightening smiles, covering imperfections, whitening, or a combination of these options. Imagine how much more youthful and vibrant you’ll appear with straight, bright white teeth.
A new smile makes a powerful impression from the very first encounter, even before you speak. This positive first impression can significantly enhance your relationships. Plus, a boost in confidence from your smile can positively impact both your personal and professional life.
Smile more confidently with beautifully enhanced teeth. Dr. Hallock and our team at Wilmington Family Dental are here to help you achieve the grin you’ve always dreamed of with a range of cosmetic dentistry services.
If you’re missing teeth, dental implants can restore your smile. These durable, permanent prosthetics look and feel natural, ensuring no one will notice the difference. You’ll be able to show off a full, radiant smile again.
Implants are also ideal for those with multiple missing teeth who may need dentures. Implant-supported dentures offer a natural look and feel while preventing bone loss that can cause traditional dentures to fit poorly over time. Your implant-supported dentures will remain secure and attractive for years to come.
Gaps or crooked teeth can make you hesitant to smile freely. Orthodontic care can resolve these issues.
As an adult, you won’t need the traditional braces often worn by teenagers. Instead, you may qualify for painless and invisible SimplyClear aligners.
In just a few weeks, SimplyClear aligners can realign your teeth for a straighter smile.
If you have chipped, short, or uneven teeth, veneers can help you achieve a flawless smile in just a single visit. Veneers cover cosmetic imperfections with stain-resistant, thin layers of durable material bonded to your teeth.
Unlike traditional veneers that often require a two-week wait, our PlanScan E4D technology allows us to create veneers the same day Dr. Hallock takes images of your teeth. Imagine leaving the office with a perfect smile on your very first appointment.
Stains from food, aging, and medications can dull even the healthiest teeth. Professional teeth whitening at Wilmington Family Dental safely brightens your smile under Dr. Hallock’s expert supervision.
Our in-office and prescription-grade whitening options contain stronger ingredients than over-the-counter products, yielding faster, more dramatic results. If you’re looking to lighten your smile several shades, Dr. Hallock can help you achieve your desired look in just a couple of visits.
Did you know you can combine multiple cosmetic procedures into a single smile makeover? This popular option allows us to create a tailored treatment plan for you.
Dr. Hallock, our cosmetic dentist in Kettering, will work with you to select the best procedures for a healthy, beautiful smile. Since everyone has unique dental needs and aesthetic goals, this service is fully customized. Reach out to us today to learn how we can craft a personalized smile makeover just for you.
Indulge yourself with a smile makeover or any individual service from our gentle, caring cosmetic dentist in Kettering. Connect with us to schedule your appointment for a more beautiful smile.
We look forward to meeting you.
Contact us today to schedule an appointment.